Joel Kaye

Ann Whitney Olin Professor of History at Barnard College, Columbia University, and a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America. His most recent book is A History of Balance, c. 1250–1375: The Emergence of a New Model of Equilibrium and Its Impact on Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2014). This book was awarded the 2015 Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History by the American Philosophical Society. In 2017, it was awarded the Charles Homer Haskins Medal, the annual book prize of the Medieval Academy of America.

Beshara Doumani

Professor of history and the inaugural holder of the Mahmoud Darwish Professorship of Palestinian Studies at Brown University. His research focuses on peoples, places, and time periods marginalized by mainstream scholarship on the early modern and modern Middle East. Doumani is editor of the New Directions in Palestinian Studies book series with the University of California Press and co-editor of the Jerusalem Quarterly. He is currently working on a history of the Palestinians through the social life of stone.

Sandra V. Constantin

Chercheuse post-doctorante à la Haute école de travail social et de la santé de Lausanne (HETSL) de la HES.SO. Ses recherches interrogent les inégalités sociales sous l’angle des politiques sociales et du genre. Membre du Bureau du réseau Gender relations in labor market and Welfare State de l’Association européenne de sociologie (ESA), elle est également chercheuse associée à l’Institut des études genre (IEG) et à l’Institut de recherches sociologiques (IRS) de l’Université de Genève.

Eva Brugger

Dr., SNF-Ambizione-Stipendiatin, Universität Zürich. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeschichte der frühen Neuzeit, Praktiken der Wertgenerierung, Modegeschichte und materielle Kultur, Geschichte des Kapitalismus, Globalgeschichte; Autorin von Gedruckte Gnade. Die Dynamisierung der Wallfahrt in Bayern 1650–1800, Affalterbach 2017.